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Lowongan Kerja PT Wetherford 4 Posisi

Weatherford is a leading global energy services company. Our world-class experts partner with customers to optimize their resources and realize the full potential of their assets. Across our operating locations, including manufacturing, research and development, service, and training facilities, operators choose us for strategic solutions that add efficiency, flexibility, and responsibility to any energy operation.

We are focused on technology development, digital solutions, and defining our footprint in the new energy space. Our ability to provide integrated solutions across our segments will be critical to growth in our core operations and the energy transition.

Weatherford offers competitive compensation, a comprehensive benefits program and provides you a challenging and enriching career path, with a healthy balance of structure and flexibility to chart your own course.

Lowongan Kerja PT Wetherford

Weatherford is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation gender identity or expression, age, disability, protected veteran status or other characteristics protected by law.
  1. ● Wireline Field Operator
  2. ● Wireline Field Operator IV
  3. ● Wireline Field Engineer III
  4. ● Field Engineer III Wireline CH
  5. ● Field Supervisor

How to Apply for Weatherford Careers?

Please apply for Weatherford Recruitment from the above list. Click on the above Job title related to your designation. You will redirect to the official Weatherford Jobs site

Mohon perhatian!
  • Kami mengingatkan agar selalu berhati-hati terhadap segala jenis penipuan dalam lowongan pekerjaan. 
  • Semua proses rekrutmen yang diinformasikan oleh LokerEnergi adalah gratis dan tidak meminta biaya apapun. 
  • Mohon tidak memberikan uang tunai atau melakukan transfer jika diminta oleh pihak manapun. 
  • Jika Anda menemukan lowongan pekerjaan yang terindikasi sebagai penipuan, silakan laporkan kepada kami.

Berikut adalah beberapa tips dalam mencari pekerjaan:

1. Buatlah CV yang menarik, kreatif, dan unik. CV yang Anda buat harus mudah dibaca oleh perekrut atau HRD.
2. Cantumkan informasi pribadi seperti nama, alamat domisili, nomor telepon, email, umur, dan tinggi (jika ada).
3. Deskripsikan tentang diri Anda dan pencapaian yang telah Anda raih.
4. Tuliskan pengalaman yang dimiliki, meskipun hanya sebatas magang. Cantumkan nama perusahaan, bulan, dan tahun mulai bergabung.
5. Sebutkan posisi yang diinginkan, nama perusahaan, bulan, dan tahun mulai bergabung.
6. Jangan lupa untuk mencantumkan pendidikan Anda seperti nama universitas/sekolah dan bulan/tahun


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