Mitra Murni Perkasa (MMP) berupaya untuk menjadi pelaku penting dalam lanskap EV global serta menjadi mitra pemerintah dalam mendukung transisi energi bersih, khususnya dalam penyediaan bahan baku media penyimpanan energi (baterai), dan pengembangan industri hilir guna meningkatkan nilai tambah mineral dalam negeri.Berlokasi di Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, misi kami sejalan dengan program pemerintah dalam percepatan industrialisasi di luar pulau jawa.
MMP merupakan bagian dari MMS Group Indonesia (MMSGI), sebuah perusahaan konglomerasi dalam negeri dengan berbagai lini bisnis, memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun di sektor energi, serta memiliki kompetensi dan SDM yang andal.
Lowongan Kerja PT. Mitra Murni Perkasa
- SHE Section Head
- Electrical Construction Supervisor
- Mechanical Construction Supervisor
- Piping Construction Supervisor
- Civil Construction Supervisor
- OPERATOR Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO - PRODUKSI)
- Lead QA/QC
- Quantity Surveyor
- Instrumentation & Control System Engineer
- Contract Engineer
●Bachelor's Degree in a relevant field or major K3 (will be preferred)
●Minimum 5-10 years experience in HSE construction project
●Have a good communication skills
●Willing to placement in Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur or if the domicile here is preferred
2. Electrical Construction Supervisor
● Bachelor degree in electrical engineering, preferably from a reputable university.
● 5 years experience in Construction (EPC Projects or Thermal Construction)
● Fluent English communication skills (oral and written)
● Strong construction background
● Willingness to be based in Balikpapan with rooster system
3. Mechanical Construction Supervisor
● Bachelor degree in mechanical engineering, preferably from a reputable university.
● 5 years experience in Construction (EPC Projects or Thermal Construction or Smelter Construction)
● Fluent English communication skills (oral and written)
● Strong construction background
● Willingness to be based in Balikpapan with rooster system
4. Piping Construction Supervisor
● Bachelor degree in Mechanical engineering, preferably from a reputable university.
● 5 years experience in Construction (EPC Projects or Thermal Construction or Smelter Construction)
● Have an certified welding is more preferable
● Fluent English communication skills (oral and written)
● Strong construction background
● Willingness to be based in Balikpapan with rooster system
5. Civil Construction Supervisor
● Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering focusing on structural. preferably from a reputable university.
● 5 years experience in Construction (EPC Projects or Thermal Construction or Smelter Construction)
● Fluent English communication skills (oral and written)
● Strong construction background
● Willingness to be based in Balikpapan with rooster system
6. OPERATOR Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO - PRODUKSI)
● Lingkup Pekerjaan :
Mampu melakukan proses produksi atau pengolahan air baku menjadi air bersih dengan menggunakan mesin SWRO (Sea Water Reverse Osmosis).
Kualifikasi :
● Pengalaman pengoperasikan mesin SWRO minimal 3 tahun.
● Pendidikan minimal SMA/Sederajat.
● Berpengalaman di bidang WTP, WWTP, RO/SWRO.
● Mampu melakukan jart test, menghitung dosis chemical, dan penggunaan alat analisa air.
● Memiliki sertifikat tentang pengelolaan air bersih lebih disukai
Penempatan Site – Balikpapan
7. Lead QA/QC
● Minimum 10-15 years of hands on experience in quality control and assurance
● Preferred: graduated from electrician, mechanical engineering
● Experience within smelter construction/ construction/ mining construction
● Ensuring QC team maintain standards IAW-(ln Accordance With) the Approved Method Statements, Technical Orders/Manuals and ISO Standards
● Development and review of the project Quality Program documentation manuals, work processes and reporting of quality records to project management of quality documents
● Check & monitor progress/approval reports status daily, weekly and monthly, track storing, loading and delivery to the project site
● Will be place on our site in Balikpapan
8. Quantity Surveyor
● Minimum 4-5 years of hands on experience as a Quantity Surveyor
● Prepare RAP/RAB, price analysis and tender documents for the tender process
● Have the ability to calculate, negotiate and analyze work
● Able to carry out volume calculations and set specifications for each work item, RAP/RAB
● Able to determine basic prices and information on developments in material prices
● Strong construction dan mining background
● Willing to be place on our site in Balikpapan
9. Instrumentation & Control System Engineer
● Bachelor's degree in Electrical or Automation.
● Minimum 6-8 years of experience in EPC Projects, with a focus on Nickel Smelter projects being a significant advantage
● In-depth knowledge of instrument services, from design to analyzing instrument and control systems
● Strong background in EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction)
● Excellent analytical thinking skills
● Good communication skills
● Willing to placement in Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur
10. Contract Engineer
● Minimum 5-8 years of working experience in handling various aspects of the contract department, especially in the mining sector or project construction is highly preferred
● Contracting experience in the EPC Industry
● Skilled in conducting the entire procurement process, from sourcing and tender submission to the full contract review stage.
● Have been involved in drafting or reviewing contracts written in two languages, Indonesian and English, with a high level of accuracy and detail.
● Have negotiated for various contract tenders
Email :
Subject : Petromindo - [Job Apply] Nama Kandidat
Expiry date: May 31, 2024
Mohon perhatian!
- Kami mengingatkan agar selalu berhati-hati terhadap segala jenis penipuan dalam lowongan pekerjaan.
- Semua proses rekrutmen yang diinformasikan oleh LokerEnergi adalah gratis dan tidak meminta biaya apapun.
- Mohon tidak memberikan uang tunai atau melakukan transfer jika diminta oleh pihak manapun.
- Jika Anda menemukan lowongan pekerjaan yang terindikasi sebagai penipuan, silakan laporkan kepada kami.
Berikut adalah beberapa tips dalam mencari pekerjaan:
1. Buatlah CV yang menarik, kreatif, dan unik. CV yang Anda buat harus mudah dibaca oleh perekrut atau HRD.
2. Cantumkan informasi pribadi seperti nama, alamat domisili, nomor telepon, email, umur, dan tinggi (jika ada).
3. Deskripsikan tentang diri Anda dan pencapaian yang telah Anda raih.
4. Tuliskan pengalaman yang dimiliki, meskipun hanya sebatas magang. Cantumkan nama perusahaan, bulan, dan tahun mulai bergabung.
5. Sebutkan posisi yang diinginkan, nama perusahaan, bulan, dan tahun mulai bergabung.
6. Jangan lupa untuk mencantumkan pendidikan Anda seperti nama universitas/sekolah dan bulan/tahun