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Jobs Vacancies Cane Marine Service 26 Position

Cane Marine Service LLC is one of the leaders in the Oil & Gas industry, focused on serving our clients in the Middle East. Our unigue vision is to be a valued provider of exceptional Marine Services, by engaging with the customers on multiple levels and satisfying their specific reguirements. We provide rig management and assist our clients, offering them with the best solutions, Cane Marine has become a reliable and trustworthy partner for a number of renowned customers, established across the globe.

Our ever-expanding spectrum of services includes long term experience within Oil & Gas as well as rig-oriented reguirements, from rig chartering to rig management. With the headguarters located in the Middle East, Cane Marine provides unigue services to our clients using its experienced staff and innovative delivery methodologies.

With us, you can be assured of a high-guality outcome as well as a trusted partner who provides cost-efficient solutions. Based in UAE, Cane Marine with years of experience and highly skilled staff, we are confident that we can provide successful and systematic services that can be customized based on the specific reguirements of our clients.

Jobs Vacancies Cane Marine Service 

1. OIM
2. Toolpusher
3. Driller
4. Assistant Driller
5. Pumpman
6. Derrickman
7. Floorman
8. HSE & Safety Officer
9. Doctor
10. Storekeeper
11. Radio Operator
12. Welder
13. MSV (Maintenance Supervisor)
14. ET Electronic Tactician
15. Chief Electrician
16. Chief Mechanic
17. Assistant Electrician
18. Assitant Mechanic
19. Motorman / Oiler
20. Barge Engineer
21. Assistant Barge Engineer
22. Crane Operator
23. Head Roustabout
24. Roustabout
25. Chief Painter / Supervisor
26. Painter

For those of you who are interested, please send your latest CV along with other supporting documents to the following email address:

PO Box 27673 Office 103, Royal Plaza Bldg, Opposite ADCB Bank, Al Rigga, Dubai, UAE

Call us +971-4-368 8801, +971-4-370-2330

Mohon perhatian!
  • Kami mengingatkan agar selalu berhati-hati terhadap segala jenis penipuan dalam lowongan pekerjaan. 
  • Semua proses rekrutmen yang diinformasikan oleh LokerEnergi adalah gratis dan tidak meminta biaya apapun. 
  • Mohon tidak memberikan uang tunai atau melakukan transfer jika diminta oleh pihak manapun. 
  • Jika Anda menemukan lowongan pekerjaan yang terindikasi sebagai penipuan, silakan laporkan kepada kami.

Berikut adalah beberapa tips dalam mencari pekerjaan:

1. Buatlah CV yang menarik, kreatif, dan unik. CV yang Anda buat harus mudah dibaca oleh perekrut atau HRD.
2. Cantumkan informasi pribadi seperti nama, alamat domisili, nomor telepon, email, umur, dan tinggi (jika ada).
3. Deskripsikan tentang diri Anda dan pencapaian yang telah Anda raih.
4. Tuliskan pengalaman yang dimiliki, meskipun hanya sebatas magang. Cantumkan nama perusahaan, bulan, dan tahun mulai bergabung.
5. Sebutkan posisi yang diinginkan, nama perusahaan, bulan, dan tahun mulai bergabung.
6. Jangan lupa untuk mencantumkan pendidikan Anda seperti nama universitas/sekolah dan bulan/tahun


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