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Lowongan Kerja PT Enecal Indonesia 10 Posisi

Enecal's parent company in China, SinoPetroleum Technology Inc (SPT), was established in 1993 and is registered in Beijing, China. SPT is a prominent privately-owned provider of onshore oilfield services in China, generating significant revenue. The company specializes in offering top-tier oilfield services and products, including well services, drilling services, production services, and field services. SPT has expanded its operations beyond China, establishing subsidiaries in Kazakhstan and North America (specifically Canada) to cater to both international and domestic clients with business interests abroad.

SPT has demonstrated its proficiency in operating in challenging environments, successfully tackling complex well conditions both domestically and internationally. This includes handling deep acidic gas fields over 6000m in depth, as well as dealing with high levels of H2S and CO2, which pose global challenges. In certain regions, SPT encounters formation pressures as high as 120Mpa, with pressure ratings reaching 10,000psi, alongside corrosive gases.

In China, SPT's major customers are CNPC, SINOPEC, and CNOOC. As of December 31, 2008, SPT achieved a group-level revenue of approximately S$170M. Enecal, positioned as a regional subsidiary, aims to fully integrate with and complement its highly professional and comprehensive oilfield service provider parent company. With time, Enecal aspires to evolve into the international headquarters of SPT.

Lowongan Kerja PT Enecal Indonesia

PT Enecal Indonesia: 10 Positions Posting Date: June 01, 2023 Expiry Date: June 15, 2023

1. Slickline Operator (1 position)

  • Minimum 3 years of experience as a slickline operator.
  • Age below 50.

2. Wellhead Supervisor (2 positions)

  • Age between 40-50 years old.
  • Minimum 10 years of field experience in the Oil and Gas industry, with at least 7 years of experience in conventional wellhead/Splitunihead/Xmas tree installation.
  • Fluent communication in written and spoken English.
  • Familiarity with FMC wellhead equipment.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office.

3. Wellhead Engineer (1 position)

  • Age between 30-50 years old.
  • Minimum 7 year of field experience in the Oil and Gas industry, with at least 5 years of experience in conventional wellhead/Splitunihead/Xmas tree installation.
  • Fluent communication in written and spoken English.
  • Familiarity with FMC wellhead equipment.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office.

4.Completion Engineer (2 positions)

  • Bachelor's degree with a good GPA.
  • Age between 35-50 years old.
  • Minimum 8 years of experience in downhole completion installation.
  • Knowledge of completion procedures, testing and splicing equipment, and their application.
  • Familiarity with functional testing of completion accessories, including Production Packer (especially ESP Packer), TRSV/Sub Surface Safety Valve, Sliding Slave (SSD), Landing Nipples, and Flow Coupling at the wellsite.
  • Ability to install Upper Completion equipment in accordance with operating procedures, conduct root cause analysis and troubleshooting in case of work failure, and perform redressing of completion equipment at the site.
  • Fluent communication in written and spoken English.
  • Good working knowledge of Microsoft Office.

5. Project Coordinator/EMR Engineer (2 positions)

  • Bachelor's degree with a good GPA.
  • Fluent communication in written and spoken English.
  • Age between 25-45.
  • Field experience in the oil and gas industry.

6. HSE Supervisor (1 position)

  • Bachelor's degree with a good GPA.
  • Minimum 5-7 years of experience in an HSE position.
  • Must have offshore/offshore oilfield working experience.
  • Possession of K3 Migas certificate at the supervisor level.
  • Fluent communication in written and spoken English.
  • Age between 30-40.

7. Business Development Specialist (1 position)

  • Bachelor's degree with a good GPA.
  • Minimum 3 years of experience in bidding/tendering jobs for Oil and Gas companies.
  • Familiarity with PTK-007 and bidding/tendering processes.
  • Attention to detail.
  • Fluent communication in written and spoken English.
  • Age between 25-45.

8. HR Supervisor (1 position)

  • Bachelor's degree with a good GPA.
  • Over 3 years of experience as an HR supervisor, with good knowledge of current government laws and regulations.
  • Experience in HR payroll and recruitment processes.
  • Experience in handling problems within tight time schedules.
  • Excellent communication skills in English, both written and spoken.
  • Age between 25-35.

9. Rig Superintendent for IPM Drilling and Completion Project (1 position)

  • Bachelor's degree with a good GPA.
  • Minimum of 10 years of experience in drilling and completion operations.
  • Strong knowledge of drilling and completion operations, including well design, drilling procedures, completion operations, and well testing activities.
  • Experience in managing drilling and completion activities related to IPM projects, ensuring safe, efficient, and regulatory-compliant operations Familiar
  • Fluent in written and spoken English communication.

10. Tool Pusher for IPM Drilling and Completion Project

  • High school diploma or equivalent; additional certifications or technical qualifications in drilling operations are a plus.
  • Several years of experience working on drilling rigs, with progressive experience and increasing responsibilities.
  • Strong knowledge of drilling operations, equipment, and procedures.
  • Demonstrated leadership skills with the ability to effectively supervise and motivate a drilling crew.
  • Excellent understanding of safety regulations and the ability to promote a safety culture.

Please submit your CV to:

Berikut ini adalah tiga tips untuk bekerja di industri minyak dan gas (migas):
  1. Tingkatkan Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan: Industri migas merupakan bidang yang terus berkembang dan teknologi di dalamnya terus berubah. Untuk berhasil di dunia migas, penting untuk terus meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan Anda. Ikuti pelatihan, seminar, dan kursus yang relevan dengan industri ini. Selain itu, tetap up-to-date dengan perkembangan terbaru dalam industri melalui membaca literatur, jurnal, dan sumber informasi lainnya.
  2. Bangun Jaringan dan Hubungan Kerja yang Kuat: Jaringan dan hubungan kerja yang kuat sangat berharga di dunia migas. Berpartisipasilah dalam acara industri, konferensi, dan pertemuan profesional lainnya untuk bertemu dengan orang-orang dalam industri ini. Jalin hubungan yang baik dengan rekan kerja, klien, dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya. Jaringan yang kuat dapat membuka peluang baru, memberikan wawasan industri, dan mendukung perkembangan karir Anda.
  3. Fokus pada Keselamatan dan Keberlanjutan: Industri migas memiliki risiko yang tinggi dan dampak lingkungan yang signifikan. Penting untuk selalu mengutamakan keselamatan dalam setiap tindakan Anda dan mematuhi aturan dan regulasi yang berlaku. Selain itu, perhatikan praktik yang berkelanjutan dan lingkungan dalam pekerjaan Anda. Keberlanjutan menjadi semakin penting dalam industri migas, dan memiliki pemahaman tentang isu-isu ini dapat meningkatkan nilai Anda sebagai profesional.
Dengan mengikuti tips-tips ini, Anda dapat meningkatkan peluang sukses Anda di dunia migas dan mengembangkan karir yang sukses dalam industri yang menantang ini.

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