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Loker Luar Negeri (Malaysia) 9 Posisi

Since 1975, Brunel has been at the forefront of delivering manpower and mobility services in Indonesia. We have established strong partnerships with companies operating in various sectors, including Oil and Gas, Renewables, and Infrastructure. This extensive collaboration has provided us with invaluable insights into the unique requirements of these industries. As a result, we are able to offer tailored Global Mobility services, Consultancy & HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment), as well as comprehensive Recruitment and HR solutions. Our goal is to deliver exceptional support and expertise to our clients, ensuring their success in an ever-evolving business landscape.

Our experience and expertise in manpower and mobility services span over four decades, positioning Brunel as a trusted and reliable partner in Indonesia. We have built a deep understanding of the specific challenges and demands faced by companies in the Oil and Gas, Renewables, and Infrastructure sectors.

With this knowledge, we are able to provide customized Global Mobility services, catering to the unique requirements of each client. Our services include assistance with visa and work permit processes, relocation support, and comprehensive logistical solutions. We understand the importance of smooth and efficient mobility operations in ensuring the success of projects and the satisfaction of our clients. In addition to our Global Mobility services, Brunel offers Consultancy & HSE solutions to support companies in maintaining high standards of safety, environmental compliance, and sustainable practices. Our team of experts provides valuable guidance and advice, helping clients navigate complex regulatory frameworks and implement effective HSE strategies.

Furthermore, Brunel's Core Recruitment & HR Services provide comprehensive support in identifying and attracting top talent. We employ a meticulous recruitment process, leveraging our extensive network and industry knowledge to source qualified professionals who align with our clients' specific requirements. Our HR services also encompass workforce management, talent development, and HR advisory, enabling our clients to optimize their human resources and drive organizational growth. At Brunel, we are committed to delivering exceptional services that meet the evolving needs of our clients. With our extensive industry knowledge, personalized approach, and strong client partnerships, we strive to be the preferred provider of manpower and mobility solutions in Indonesia and beyond.

Loker Luar Negeri (Malaysia) 

We have an exciting opportunity for you to explore. Are you interested?

We are currently hiring for several positions in the Commissioning Team. The positions are available for a 12-month project in Gresik, Indonesia, as well as for a Commissioning Project in Malaysia.

Job Title:
  1. Commissioning Deputy Area Manager (4 positions) with a minimum of 15 years of experience.
  2. Commissioning Mechanical Lead (Superintendent) (1 position) with a minimum of 10 years of experience.
  3. Commissioning Mechanical Technician (2 positions) with a minimum of 5 years of experience.
  4. Commissioning Piping Technician (2 positions) with a minimum of 5 years of experience.
  5. Commissioning Electrical Technician (2 positions) with a minimum of 5 years of experience.
  6. Commissioning I&C Lead (Superintendent) (1 position) with a minimum of 10 years of experience.
  7. Commissioning I&C Technician (2 positions) with a minimum of 5 years of experience.
  8. Commissioning Automation Technician (2 positions) with a minimum of 5 years of experience.
  9. Commissioning Admin (1 position) with a minimum of 2 years of experience.
To apply, please send your CV and relevant certificates to the following email address: Please mention the job title in the subject line of the email.

To expedite the process, kindly provide the following information as well:
  1. Your current work location.
  2. Your expected salary.
  3. Your availability.

Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further screening. Additionally, we only review CVs that have an English version.

Bekerja di luar negeri adalah pengalaman yang menarik dan memberikan peluang untuk pertumbuhan pribadi dan profesional. Berikut adalah lima tips yang dapat membantu Anda dalam menjalani pengalaman bekerja di luar negeri:
  • Kenali budaya dan lingkungan kerja: Sebelum Anda berangkat, luangkan waktu untuk mempelajari budaya dan norma-norma kerja di negara tujuan. Ketahui nilai-nilai yang dihormati, etika bisnis yang berlaku, serta cara berkomunikasi yang efektif. Memahami budaya lokal akan membantu Anda beradaptasi dengan lingkungan kerja yang baru.
  • Kuasai bahasa setempat: Menguasai bahasa setempat akan memberikan Anda keuntungan besar dalam berkomunikasi dengan rekan kerja, atasan, dan klien. Pelajari bahasa sebelum berangkat atau ambil kursus bahasa setempat setelah tiba di negara tujuan. Kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa setempat akan memudahkan kolaborasi dan memperluas jaringan sosial Anda.
  • Jalin koneksi dan jaringan: Membangun jaringan kontak yang kuat adalah kunci sukses dalam karir di luar negeri. Ikuti acara atau pertemuan industri lokal, bergabung dengan kelompok profesional, dan berinteraksi dengan orang-orang setempat. Jalin hubungan baik dengan rekan kerja, atasan, dan orang-orang di komunitas tempat tinggal Anda. Jaringan yang baik akan membuka peluang baru dan membantu Anda mendapatkan informasi dan dukungan saat dibutuhkan.
  • Fleksibel dan terbuka terhadap perubahan: Bekerja di luar negeri seringkali melibatkan tantangan dan perubahan yang tidak terduga. Bersikaplah fleksibel dan terbuka terhadap perbedaan budaya, peraturan kerja, dan situasi yang mungkin berbeda dari yang Anda alami sebelumnya. Sifat adaptabilitas akan membantu Anda menghadapi tantangan dengan lebih baik dan menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan baru.
  • Tingkatkan keterampilan lintas budaya: Bekerja di luar negeri memberikan kesempatan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan lintas budaya. Belajarlah tentang keberagaman budaya, sikap yang toleran, dan kemampuan beradaptasi dengan perbedaan. Mengembangkan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang budaya-budaya yang berbeda akan membuat Anda menjadi pemimpin yang lebih efektif dalam lingkungan multikultural.
Dengan mempersiapkan diri secara menyeluruh, membuka pikiran, dan mengambil inisiatif untuk beradaptasi, Anda dapat menjalani pengalaman bekerja di luar negeri dengan sukses. Nikmatilah peluang yang ada, belajarlah dari pengalaman tersebut, dan terus berkembang secara pribadi dan profesional.

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